During their first playthrough of Minecraft Dungeons, most players will likely encounter one of the secret missions, entitled the Creepy Crypt. During their romp through the Creeper Woods, it is pretty easy to find and is most likely put there to alert players to the existence of secret levels.

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The other secret missions are found in similar manners although they tend to be more well hidden. The purpose of this is to enlighten players on how to unlock the secret level of Minecraft Dungeons, so there will be spoilers ahead. Cautious readers should turn back now.

Minecraft Dungeons’ secret level, entitled “Moo?” is a homage to Diablo 2’s infamous secret cow level. Unlocking it first requires players to beat the game on default, after which point pistons will appear in the camp. These pistons will let the player circumvent the raised drawbridge (and lower it for easier access later) and open up a new building. Lining the walls of this building are portraits of the game’s developers, but of note there is one portrait which can be interacted with and a golden button at the end of the hall.

Pressing the golden button will reveal which of the ten hidden runes the player has found, each corresponding to a different level in the game. The portrait reveals hints for players regarding where to look when searching for the runes. In short, players must play through each of Minecraft Dungeons’ levels again, this time searching for secrets in the form of pressure plates or levers that will lead to one of ten hidden runes. After finding all ten runes, interacting with the golden button again send the player to the secret level.

Players will then be faced with hordes of Mooshrooms. These mushroom infested cows are typically passive in the original Minecraft, but take a more sinister role in Minecraft Dungeons, relentlessly pursuing the player. They are incredibly tough, but offer some nice rewards for players that manage to defeat them. As such, players should be sure to bring their most powerful build into this fight.

Minecraft Dungeons is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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