Freemode alone is enough reason for players to flock to the game in search of chaotic matchups and one-on-one PvP battles in the middle of a gigantic city. However, Rockstar Games goes several steps further and adds a lot of depth to GTA Online apart from its brilliant albeit chaotic Freemode.

The game has plenty to offer in terms of traditional PvP Deathmatches in a variety of different settings and rules. One of the game’s best aspects is the many PvE modes available as well, such as Survival.

Unlocking Survival in GTA Online

Survival essentially pits players against waves of enemy NPCs, and as the name implies, the players must band together and survive. There are a total of 10 waves, and each wave is progressively more difficult than the last in terms of NPC behavior and armament.

The game mode is especially fun when playing with friends and crew as communication becomes key when taking on hoards of enemy NPCs.

However, Survival isn’t unlocked right at the start of the game, and the player must actually play GTA Online for a bit before they can jump into Survival. The game mode is unlocked at Level 15, and the player must play through the Industrial Plant survival tutorial to continue their progress in Online.

Players can choose to either play Survival all by themselves or with up to four players. The Survival game mode is marked on the map by a blue shield icon, and the player can approach the mission location to start a game of Survival.

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