Like most big expansions, The Witch Queen offers Guardians a host of new toys to play with. On top of the cool new weapon type, the game offers many new forms of grenades to deal with the ever-encroaching mobs.

Unlock the Axion Bolt in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

The Axion Bolt was purchased from Ikora Rey in the tower for 3,000 Glimmer. After buying it, meditate on the spinning dial next to Ikora, which will become available for use.

This new tool is available for the three Void subclasses in the revamped system. With Void 3.0, all subclasses support the fragments and aspect elements of Statis setups. This new method allows for a ton of customization within and between classes.

Find the Void tab under the Grow Your Light section of Ikora’s menu to purchase the Axion Bolt and two other grenade options. The player can reach the tower after completing the starting quest of the Witch Queen expansion.

After purchasing the Axion Bolt and meditating, it’s selectable from the Void Subclass menu for the player Guardian. All three new grenade options are worth looking into for the price.

Using the Axion Bolt in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen opens up a variety of skills and abilities to more classes and subclasses. The Axion Bolt grenade was an option locked to the Voidwalker subclass of Warlock.

Titans and Hunters are now able to use the Axion Bolt, along with the Scatter Grenade and Magnetic Grenade. Each of the grenades has new effects that can be helpful with the expansion’s new challenges.

The Scatter Grenade explodes into an array of shrapnel which then explodes again. It’s great for crowd control and deals a solid supply of burst damage in a short time.

The Magnetic Grenade sticks to a target that it hits or stays wherever it’s thrown. Attaching it to an enemy will subject them unavoidably to two large explosions. It’s very satisfying to tag a fast-moving enemy with the Magnetic Grenade and see them run into a crowd.

Finally, the Axion Bolt hits nearby enemies with void energy, which spreads throughout the enemy forces. It’s a great status effect that quickly harms a large group of packed-in creatures.

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