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Getting the best gear in Yakuza Kiwami 2 isn’t as easy as buying it from a shop or finding a treasure chest. The developers have hidden many of the best items sprinkled throughout various sidequests and game modes. Here’s how to track the best gear in Yakuza Kiwami 2down.

Updated on December 13th, 2021, by Michael Llewellyn: Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a story-focused action RPG with a world that is packed with content, quests, and gear to find. The gear that Kiryu can wear has immeasurable value in many of the harder quests and substories in Yakuza Kiwami 2. The Bouncer missions are particularly difficult but with the right equipment, Kiryu can endure almost any mission and challenge put in front of him. There are a lot of items to collect and this list has been updated with more gear for Kiryu to use and how to obtain it.

13 Haruka’s Necklace

Haruka’s Necklace boosts Kiryu’s health, attack power, heat, and defense by +5. It’s a little more effective than the Spy Gloves in terms of base stats. However, it’s tricky to obtain and lacks any special attributes.

How To Get Haruka’s Necklace

Haruka’s Necklace can only be acquired in Chapter 13 . Kiryu will have the opportunity to spend time with Haruka in the town playing mini-games and performing some simple fetch quests. However, to obtain the necklace as a reward Kiryu needs to get an EX rank. It’s very time-consuming but one can improve their chances with the mini-games by using the in-game gambling cheat items .

12 Trancendant Mouth Guard

The Transcendent Mouth Guard is a piece of gear that boosts Kiryu’s attack by a significant +22 while his defense will increase by +10. It doesn’t come with any special attributes but thankfully, it doesn’t require too much expense or time to acquire.

How To Get The Transcendent Mouth Guard

The Transcendent Mouth Guard becomes obtainable after Kiryu has completed “ The Pervy Peddler ” Substory #24 and unlocked Kamiyama’s Shop . The defensive item will become available after Kiryu has sold items to the vendor at the value of 50,000 Yen .

11 Payback Ring

The Payback Ring is a piece of gear that doesn’t have any stat boosts at all. It does, however, provide Kiryu with an increase in attack power as Kiryu’s health decreases. It can get him out of a bind against a tough opponent but its usefulness is something of a gamble as low health will see Kiryu get KO’d very quickly.

How To Get The Payback Ring

The Payback Ring can be acquired from The Coliseum . Kiryu needs to earn 1st Place in the Carnage Tournament. Kiryu needs to defeat his armed opponents but he is unable to use any weapons himself.

10 Spy Gloves

Spy Gloves don’t give any large boosts to stats, just +4 to Defense. The bonus effect is what makes them great. Equipping these Gloves decreases the rate of enemy encounters, which is pretty convenient. One downside - it’s only possible to get the Spy Gloves very late in the game. At this point, avoiding enemies might not be a priority.

How To Get The Spy Gloves

The Spy Gloves are a reward for finishing Substory #4, " Rooftop Revenge “. This substory is available in Chapter 13 , near Kanrai in Kamurocho. It has to be nighttime and Haruka has to be with Kiryu for the quest to trigger.

9 Champion’s Ring

An excellent all-around Gear item. The Ring gives +14 to all four main stats as well as Stamina. There’s a side effect to the Champion’s Ring, though. Equipping it also increases the strength of enemies. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on if the player is looking for tougher fights.

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How To Get The Champions Ring

The Champion’s Ring is the reward for coming in first in the Tournament of Legends . This Tournament unlocks after finishing the Majima Construction story in Clan Creator. Tournaments don’t allow healing items or weapons, so be prepared for a challenge.

8 Heavenly Beasts Bracelet

Essentially the combination of the four other Bracelets is available through Bouncer Missions. The Heavenly Beasts Bracelet grants immunity to all status effects. It also has some great stat boosts, +12 to Attack, Heat, and Defense. It’s not too difficult to acquire, either.

How To Get The Heavenly Beasts

This is another Chapter 13 substory that requires Haruka. Go to the Shine on Pink Street to start “The Cabaret Killer” . After a bit of a wild goose chase to several other clubs, the reward is the Heavenly Beasts Bracelet. The substory also unlocks a new hostess for Kiryu’s cabaret club, Yuka.

7 Sacrifice Stone

One of the most unique Gear items in the game. Sacrifice Stones function as an extra life of sorts, reviving Kiryu once upon his death. They can be very useful when fighting some of the hard extra bosses like Jo Amon, but they’re not without drawbacks. The Sacrifice Stone has no stat boosts, so one will have to sacrifice a slot’s worth of buffs. Most importantly, they shatter upon reviving the player and don’t regenerate when the battle ends.

How To Get The Sacrifice Stones

One Sacrifice Stone is in Locker D2 . The key is on the Sotenbori boardwalk, near the part of the river that widens . Unfortunately, getting more Sacrifice Stones isn’t possible until the postgame. At that point, they’re available for 3,000,000 yen a pop at Ebisu Pawn.

6 Parry Talisman

This item is a mainstay throughout the Yakuza series and has appeared in many other games. It’s quite a unique item that expands Kiryu’s defensive options considerably. Equipping the Parry Talisman lets him parry many, many more attacks - almost every attack in the game. Note that the item doesn’t make parrying automatic and that players will have to hit the triangle or the Y button when prompted.

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How To Get The Parry Talisman

The Parry Talisman is a reward from one of the Bouncer Missions. Complete “A Shady Investigation, Part 2” on Normal difficulty to acquire it . Watch out for the goons with flashbangs as well as the ninja at the end.

5 Transcendent Body Armor

Overall, this is the best defensive Gear in the game. It provides +30 to both Blade and Gun resistance as well as +24 to base Defense. The Transcendent Body Armor is great for all combat situations. Unlike many other pieces of Gear, getting it is pretty easy if one knows where to look.

How To Get The Transcendent Body Armor

Getting the Transcendent Body Armor is a little obtuse. Complete Substory #24 “A Pervy Peddler” to unlock Kamiyama’s Shop . At first, he doesn’t sell much, but the game doesn’t tell the player that selling items to the vendor expands his available wares. Sell a minimum of 500,000 yen worth to him and the body armor will become available for 800,000 yen .

4 Sacred Wood Armor

The Sacred Wood Armor gives the single best Defense boost in the game, a whopping +32. But it’s not the stats that make it borderline overpowered. Wearing the Sacred Wood Armor makes Kiryu invulnerable to bullets. Longtime Yakuza fans know how annoying enemies with guns can be, and this item completely shuts them down.

How To Get The Sacred Wood Armor

Completing the Bouncer Quest “The Sex-Starved Samurai” rewards Sacred Wood Armor . This is more of a late-game quest, but there’s a way to get the bulletproof effect earlier on. An easier Bouncer Quest " An Explosive Plot " gives t he Replica Sacred Wood Armor , which has less Defense but still stops bullets .

3 Eye Of The Dragon

The Eye Of The Dragon is very similar to the Champion’s Ring in terms of stats. Instead of giving +14, it gives +12 to the same stats as the Champion’s Ring. This comes without the major drawback of tougher enemies. So it’s just a great all-around booster. The best thing about it is that it’s pretty easy to get.

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How To Get The Eye Of The Dragon

Complete Substory #22 " To The Dragon Palace " and gain access to the gambling hall in Kamurocho . The main attraction here is the minigames, but there’s also an arms dealer . Their stock expands as the story progresses, so keep checking back and Kiryu will find the Eye Of The Dragon for sale for 200,000 yen .

2 Dragon God Amulet

The best item in the game when it comes to total stat boosts. The Dragon God Amulet has +30 to Attack, Heat, and Defense, for a monstrous total of +90. It has a secondary effect as well. When Kiryu is near death, his Heat gain is increased by 10%. That’s not a huge buff, and it only activates at low health, but this item is worth equipping for stats alone.

How To Get The Dragon Amulet

The Dragon God Amulet is a reward from the Bouncer Quest " Eternal Twilight “. This is the second-to-last Bouncer Quest, and it’s pretty tough. Bring lots of weapons to fight off Jiro Amon.

1 War God Talisman

The War God Talisman has appeared in the last few Yakuza games pretty consistently. Its stat boosts seem underwhelming with just +5 to Heat. The special effect is what makes it great. Equipping the War God Talisman enables a passive Heat regeneration, meaning the meter will slowly build even when no damage is being dealt.

How To Get The War God Talisman

Kiryu has to complete the final Bouncer Quest to get the War God Talisman. " Pandemonium " requires the player to defeat three of the Amons - Kazuya, Jiro, and Sango - in one grueling mission. Players will need to ensure that Kiryu is well equipped and prepared. Getting this item is one of the most difficult feats in the game.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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