No not at all, iOS Mail brings an easy solution to resolve the problem. The Mail app in iOS has a stock feature that will recognize such mails, it then marks them and shows an unsubscribe button to remove your email address from the list.

How to Use The Feature

Using the feature is very easy, as soon a mail lands in your mailbox the app adds a banner at the top of the email with an unsubscribe link.

By clicking on it you can remove your email address from the mailing list.

The image below elaborates how it appears.

As soon as you click on the unsubscribe link, you will see a pop-up window with the following message (as shown in the screenshot below). Here you need to click the Unsubscribe button and complete the action.

You can follow the same steps on both iPhone and iPad when using the mail app.

Manual And Automatic Options To Unsubscribe

If Mail fails to detect a mailing-list, you can do it yourself. To do so, scroll to the bottom of the selected email, look for “unsubscribe” text (It is written in pale grey on white and in very small letters).

Tap on it, to proceed and unsubscribe from the mailing list.

The old ways are always best and they always come as the biggest solution to most problems.

This trick will work to get rid of unwanted newsletters and emails that could be hiding malicious spam. Having a way to quickly unsubscribe is always good and iOS mail has made it really easy.