Likely, when you lay the pad down on the surface without unfolding it, the plastic-looking side will likely be face up. If you see the colored or plastic-looking surface (absorption surface) you’re likely looking at this a bit awkward; you will want to be looking at the pad with it showing the white (non-plastic-like surface). Try to grab the pads one at a time. Opening the package from the bottom may give away the secrets to only grabbing one (and if you are adept at taking out diapers from a package, this feeling is rather natural), but if you may feel the need to double the absorption rate or one pad might not be enough, you may need to use a second one on top of the first.

If both sides are white colored, look for a side that has a smooth, non-glossy (non-plastic-like) surface. The non-plastic side is the side the person must lay on. The liquid will be absorbed through this side, and yet won’t travel through the plastic out the back.