Can You Use Alexa to Move Music to Another Device?

How Do I Use Alexa to Move Music Between Echo Devices?

With Echo speakers throughout your house, you can have Alexa move your music from one device to another with a voice command. This setup is nice if you’re moving from one room to another, but you want to keep listening to the same music.

Here’s how to use Alexa to move music from one Echo speaker to another:

Say, “Alexa, pause. ” You need to be in the room where the music is currently playing. Go to the room where you want to listen to music. Say, “Alexa, resume music. ” You can also use a more specific command like “resume music here,” or “resume radio here” if the Echo in the second room resumes playing the wrong content. Your music will transfer to the new room.

How Do I Use Alexa to Move Music to Echo Buds?

You can also use Alexa to move music from an Echo Speaker to your Echo Buds. This process uses different voice commands, but it works the same other than that.

Here’s how to move music from an Echo to Echo Buds:

Connect your Echo Buds to your phone and put them in your ears. Use the command, “Alexa, move my music here. ” If music is currently playing on any of your Echo devices, it will pause on that device and resume on your Echo Buds.

How Do I Use Alexa to Move Music Between Speaker Groups?

If you add your Echo speakers to smart home groups, you can use Alexa to move music between rooms by asking Alexa to move music to a specific smart home group. You can also use this same method to move music to a stereo pair of Echo speakers or an Echo Sub and its associated speakers.

To move music to a new speaker group, use a voice command which follows this pattern: “Alexa, move (type of audio content) to the (smart speaker group.”

For example, you might say, “Alexa, move my podcast to the living room,” or “Alexa, move my music to the bedroom,” depending on what you’re listening to and the specific names of your smart home groups.