You can buy aloe juice online or from your local drugstore. Avoid packages that say “whole leaf” since they may also contain aloe latex or aloin.

Aloe juice can have a bitter flavor. Try diluting it in a glass of water if you want to mask the flavor. Store the aloe juice in the refrigerator after you open it. After 2 weeks, throw away any that you haven’t used. [4] X Research source

Aloe can act as a laxative, so be careful not to take more than a single dose.

Persistent nausea or vomiting Painful swallowing Reduced appetite resulting in weight loss

Don’t use any treatments, including aloe vera, without first checking with your doctor.

Try not to panic because these symptoms may be caused by several conditions. Only a doctor can diagnose what’s causing yours. Then, they’ll offer you treatment.

You can find H2 blockers and PPIs over-the-counter, as well. If you’ve already tried these and they didn’t work, a prescription medication may help. Talk to your doctor about potential side effects, such as poor nutrient absorption. They can advise you on how to avoid problems due to side effects. In rare cases, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure called fundoplication. During this procedure, your doctor will tighten your lower esophageal sphincter to help prevent acid from escaping.

Keep a record of the foods you eat so you can track what foods trigger your acid reflux.