Most home pregnancy tests are sensitive enough to detect hCG within the first few days of pregnancy, so they don’t need a high concentration of the hormone.

Over-the-counter hCG drops use homeopathic hCG, which is an herbal concoction designed to mimic the same effects of real hCG on the body. Even if you find drops that do contain real human hCG, the hormone is extremely diluted and would be unlikely to turn a pregnancy test positive.

Keep in mind that lying to a doctor to get a prescription for any drug is illegal. [3] X Research source It’s definitely not worth breaking the law just for a practical joke.

Keep in mind that home pregnancy tests are up to 99% accurate. [5] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source If you’re trying to create a fake pregnancy test, you might need to do several before you get the result you’re looking for.

If you feel shy about using your own urine, you can just use water. It’s just as likely to get you a false positive when you’re working with an expired or used test. You can also try just leaving the pregnancy test out for a while—sometimes another line will show up that makes it look positive. This is actually an evaporation line, but if you’re just using it as a joke, it might be good enough.

If you’re just doing it to see how your partner reacts, it’s usually better to simply have an open conversation with them rather than trying to trick them. Even if they’re initially happy and excited about the possibility of you being pregnant, they’re still likely to be hurt or upset when they find out the test was a fake. Acting like the fake pregnancy test is real and using it to extort money or anything else is a crime. [8] X Research source It’s also a bad idea to use a fake pregnancy test to try to get back at someone, even if you’re not trying to get money from them.

Talk to the person who caught you and ask them how they feel. Explain that you want to learn from your mistakes so you can be a better person in the future.