How Do I Turn on App Tracking Transparency on iOS 14?

You can’t turn App Tracking Transparency on and off, per se. The feature is part of iOS 14.5 and up and part of all apps, so it’s there whether you use it or not. What people mean by turning on App Tracking Transparency is whether you use the feature to block all data sharing by apps or if you give yourself the chance to decide which apps can share your data and which can’t.

To choose on an app-by-app basis which apps can track and share your data, follow these steps:

Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking > Allow Apps to Request to Track > move slider to on/green. Open any app you already have installed on your phone or install a new app from the App Store and open it. If the app wants to share the data it collects about you with third parties or track you across third-party sites and apps, it has to disclose this in a pop-up window. In addition, some apps may include extra information about what they want to track and why, and why they think you should let them. In the pop-up window, tap Ask App Not to Track to block sharing of your data or tap Allow to approve it.

What Is App Tracking Transparency?

App Tracking Transparency is an Apple policy and feature that gives users more information about and control over how apps collect and share users’ data.

The feature doesn’t stop the collection of data. That’s still allowed. However, it blocks sharing that data with third parties, data brokers, and tracking users across websites and apps owned by companies other than the app maker.

App Tracking Transparency lets users block all data sharing or allow some apps to share while blocking others.

For complete information about the feature, check out Apple’s App Tracking Transparency page.

Is App Tracking Transparency Mandatory?

With the release of iOS 14.5, every app in the Apple App Store must comply with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policies (need to upgrade to iOS 14.5?). That means apps must support the ability for users to opt-out of data sharing. Users can choose whether to enable the feature and what apps they allow to share their data, but every app must comply. Even better, apps have to give all users the same experience, regardless of whether they opt-in or out of data sharing.

How to Change App Tracking Transparency Settings

Want to see which apps have requested to share your data or change decisions you’ve already made about which apps can do that? Follow these steps:

Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking. This screen lists all of the apps that have requested to track and share your data. If the slider is on/green, you’ve granted that app permission to share your data. To stop sharing, move the slider to off/white. Block all apps from tracking and sharing, move the Allow Apps to Request to Track slider to off/white. Your tracking slider could be grayed out if you’re a child under 18, you created your Apple ID in the last three days, or your Apple ID or device has a configuration profile that limits tracking.