Be sure you wash between your fingers and at least as far up your arms as your wrist or forearm. Dry your hands using a clean towel.

Identify the eye you are instructed to place the drops in, and know how many drops you are to instill with each administration. (Usually it will be just one drop as the eye holds less volume than one typical drop. ) Check the clock to be sure it is time for the next use, or make note of the current time so you will know the next time you are to use the eye drops.

Be sure you do not see anything floating in the solution (unless there are supposed to be particles in the drops). Be sure the product says “ophthalmic” somewhere on the label. It is easy to confuse ear drops, that say “otic” on the label, with those that are to be administered in the eye. Inspect the container to be sure it has not been damaged. Check the tip of the container, without touching it, to be sure there is no visible damage or discoloration.

Eye drops contain preservatives to help keep the solution free of unwanted bacteria. However once the expiration date is passed, there is a risk that the product has been contaminated. Some eye drops are to be used for no more than 30 days once the container has been opened. Be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist how long your product can be used once it has been opened.

If available, use sterile dressing material, such as sealed 2 x 2 pads, to wipe around your eye area. Use each pad or wipe only once, then discard. Water applied to the cloth or pad may help in removing any crusted or hardened material around your eyes. If you are treating an infected eye, wash your hands again after wiping away any crusted material before proceeding with instilling the eye drops.

Gently shaking the bottle, or rolling the bottle between your hands, ensures the eye drop solution is evenly mixed. Some eye drop medications consist of a suspension of particles, so shaking will evenly mix these particles in the solution. Remove the cap from the bottle and place it in a clean place, like on a clean and dry towel.

Touching the tip of the container to your eye can spread germs into the solution, causing it to be contaminated. By continuing to use a contaminated eye drop solution, you are at risk of re-infecting your eye with each drop used. If you accidentally touch the container tip to your eye, wipe the tip with an alcohol pad (70% isopropyl alcohol) to sterilize it or purchase a fresh bottle or let your doctor know you need your prescription refilled.

Position the eye drop container about ¾ inch above your lower eyelid to help avoid accidentally touching it to your eye area.

Pulling down your eyelid helps to create a space, or pocket, for the drop to settle into. Look up at a fixed point above you. Focus on a spot on the ceiling or something above you and keep both eyes open. This helps to avoid blinking.

Close your eyes, but do not squeeze them shut. Keep your eyes shut for at least two to three minutes. Tilt your head down as if you were looking at the floor while keeping your eyes closed for the two to three minutes. Apply gentle pressure to the tear duct located on the inner part of your eye for 30 to 60 seconds. This helps the medication to remain in your eye area and also prevents the drops from going into the back of your throat, which can cause a bad taste. Use a clean tissue to gently blot any liquid that forms on the outside of your eye or cheek.

If you are to instill drops in both eyes, you can proceed with administering a drop to your other eye in about two to three minutes, once you have kept your eyes shut for the recommended amount of time.

Do not wipe the tip, and do not allow the tip to come into contact with anything. It is important to keep the solution free from contaminants. Wash your hands to remove any medication or germs.

In some cases, ophthalmic ointments are prescribed along with drops. Use the drops first, then wait 10 to 15 minutes before applying the ophthalmic ointment.

Many prescription eye drops are to be kept in the refrigerator between uses. Be sure you know how to store your eye drops. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Do not keep the eye drops in an area that is exposed to direct sunlight.

Record the date you first opened the eye drop container. Also check with the pharmacist or the product literature to determine if they should be thrown out and replaced four weeks after opening.

Other conditions that warrant contacting your doctor include changes in your vision, red or swollen eyes, and if you notice unusual pus or drainage coming from any part of your eye.

If you are being treated for an infection, watch for symptoms in the other eye. Let your doctor know if you begin to see evidence that the infection may have spread.

An allergic reaction is a medical emergency. Call 911 or seek medical attention the fastest way possible. Do not attempt to drive yourself to a hospital.

If you do not have an eyewash product, then use regular water to flush the eye drop solution out of your eyes to prevent further absorption. Tilt your head to the side, hold your eye open, and allow clean water to flush the eye drop solution from your eye.

Dry your hands completely using a clean towel.

Check for visible particles floating in the solution, the expiration date, and be sure you have an ophthalmic product. Be sure the container has not been damaged and the tip appears clean and is not discolored. Do not wipe or touch the tip. Gently shake the container to be sure the solution is mixed.

In young children, you may need to drop a small amount of the medication on the back of their hand so they can see it does not hurt. Let the child see you go through the motions of putting the drop into your own eye, or into the eye of another adult. Be sure the container has the top secured as you pretend to administer the drops to yourself or another adult.

Take care not to scare the child. If the child is old enough to understand, let them know it is important that their hands are kept away from their eyes. Consider letting the child decide on how to best accomplish that, so the child does not feel trapped. Suggest that they sit on their hands, or lie on their back with their hands beneath them. The assisting adult will need to help keep the child’s hands away from their eyes, and the child’s head as still as possible. Work as quickly as you safely can in order to minimize the stress and anxiety felt by the child.

If needed, gently wipe the eyes using a clean cloth or sterile dressing materials if available. Wipe from the inner part of the eye to the outer part. Discard the cloth or wipe after each use. Do not continue to wipe the eye with a contaminated cloth or wipe.

With their gaze fixed upward, gently pull down the lower lid, and place one drop of the medication in the pocket created. [15] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source Release the lower lid so the child can close the eye. Encourage the child to keep their eyes shut for several minutes. Place gently pressure on the tear duct to keep the solution in the eye as long as possible. In some cases, you may need to hold both the upper and lower lids open while administering the drop.

Touching the tip to any part of the eye allows germs to enter the solution, and therefore contaminates the bottle.

Do not wipe or attempt to clean the tip. This can also cause the solution inside to be contaminated. Wash your hands thoroughly after instilling the drop in the child’s eye.

Even if it their behavior was less than cooperative, praise the child for helping. Hopefully the praise will make the next administration time easier. Providing some type of reward along with the verbal praise can be offered.

Recognizing that this method does not provide the same level of eye exposure to the medication, it still is better than no administration. Have the child lie flat, close their eyes, then place a drop of the medication on the inner corner of their eye, in the area of their tear duct. Have the child open their eye, and the medication will roll inside. Have them close their eyes for two to three minutes and apply gentle pressure on the tear duct area. Let the child’s doctor know if this is the only way to administer the medication. The doctor may alter the prescription or allow for more than one drop to be given as one dose, since less of the medication is entering the eye. Do not give more of the medication without talking with the doctor first. Using more than what is prescribed can cause irritation or sometimes mild burning from the preservatives contained in the solution.

Wrapping them helps to keep their arms and hands secured so they are not able to touch their eyes as you apply the drops. You may need to hold both lids open in a young infant if they are not able to focus on an object once you touch their lower lid.

Breast feeding, or offering a bottle, immediately after the eye drop can help to calm the infant.