The newest version of the Facebook iPhone or iPod Touch app. The mobile web app at http://touch. facebook. com . This requires a HTML5 compatible browser (e. g. new versions of Safari, Firefox or Chrome) and a device capable of supporting geolocation. Ensure that your phone has the most up-to-date software or the application might not work properly, or at all.

If your location does not appear even when searching, you can add a place by tapping on the white plus sign in the upper right hand corner. Add a name for your place, then tap add. A notice will pop up warning you that places are public. Be careful about adding a place such as “home” or “Sarah’s house. " Anyone in the vicinity will be able to locate your house based on the map. Stick to public places, such as restaurants, hotels, etc. Tap add to proceed.

Make sure that the option for “Public” is not checked, especially if you are away on vacation. There have been many instances where people have checked in at hotels or resorts on Facebook, only to come back home and find that their house has been broken into. Checking in publicly is a great way to let thieves know that you have vacated your house. To ensure your safety, don’t check in anywhere while on vacation - you can add your location to photos and status updates when you return.