Can only record clips of 30 seconds or shorter (the paid version has no length limit. ) Displays a Fraps watermark at the top of all recorded footage. Has loop recording disabled.

By default, the recording hotkey is F9. Choose a hotkey that you don’t use in the game.

Remember that the free version of Fraps only allows recording in 30-second increments.

Frame rate is a measure of how “fast” a game is running. Frame rates are usually measured in frames per second (FPS. ) Motion in computer games is actually an illusion created by a rapidly changing series of still images called frames. The more images shown per second, the smoother and clearer the motion in the game will appear. Frame rate overlay is a feature which displays the game’s current frame rate in one corner of the screen. Graphically intense portions of the game can result in a low frame rate - the overlay will display this and any other fluctuations in a game’s frame rate. Benchmarking is a process by which a game’s average frame rate is calculated for a certain length of time.

By default, the benchmarking and overlay hotkeys are F11 and F12, respectively. Choose hotkeys that aren’t buttons you use in the game.

For your frame rate overlay, choose a corner of your screen where it won’t obscure your vision or hide vital information during gameplay.

A screenshot (or screen capture) is a still image of your gameplay. Free versions of Fraps can only save screenshots as . BMP files. Paid versions can save in the . BMP, . JPG, . PNG, and . TGA formats.

By default, the screenshot hotkey is F10. Don’t choose a hotkey that you’ll use while playing the game.

Change your image output format (in the paid version of Fraps. ) Choose whether to include the framerate overlay in screenshots. Set a repeat timer for taking multiple screenshots.