If data is saved in an Excel spreadsheet, copy and paste it to Minitab. Highlight the data set saved in Excel. Right click the mouse and select copy. Go to Minitab and click the first cell below C1. Right click the mouse and select paste cells. [1] X Research source Each column should represent one type of data. For example, if you are entering information about baseball teams, one column might be RBI, one might be Errors, and one might be Home Runs.

Mean - Arithmetic average value of the data in the column Standard deviation - Measure of dispersion of data Median - The middle value of a set Minimum - The smallest number in a set Maximum - The largest number in a set

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Histogram. . . Select your graph type. You have four options for creating a histogram: “Simple”, “With Fit”, “With Outline and Groups”, and “With Fit and Groups”. Select “Simple”. Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the histogram from and click OK. Your histogram will be constructed and displayed in a new window.

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Dotplot. . . Select your graph type. You are given seven options to pick from when creating a dot plot. Select Simple for now to create a dot plot from a single column of data. Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the dot plot from and click OK. Your dot plot will appear in a new window.

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Stem-and-Leaf. . . Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the stem-and-leaf from and click OK. Your stem-and-leaf plot will appear in the Session window. See this guide for more details on stem-and-leaf plots.

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Probability Plot. . . Choose your graph type. You are given two options for making a probability plot. Choose Single for now. Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the probability plot from and click OK. Your probability plot will appear in a new window.

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Bar Chart. . . Choose what your bars represent. Use the drop-down menu to choose what the bars should represent: counts of unique values, a function of a variable, or values from a table. Choose your chart type. Typically you will be choosing the Simple bar chart. Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the bar chart from. You can add labels to your chart by clicking the Labels. . . button. Click OK to create your bar chart in a new window.

Click the Graph menu. After entering the data set, click the Graph menu at the top of the window. Select Pie Chart. . . Choose your data set. You will be shown a list of available data sets. Double-click the one that you want to create the pie chart from. You can add labels by clicking the Labels. . . button. Click OK to build the pie chart in a new window.

Y usually represents the response variable and X usually represents predictor variable(s)

Response Variable: Measured in an experiment. It is also called dependent variable. Predictor Variables: The variables whose values determine the change of other variables. They are also called independent variables.

Output from the regression analysis appears in the Session window of Minitab. The regression equation gives an approximation of how X’s predict Y. P-values determine the significance of the predictor variables. R-sq describes how well the data fits the model (1 and -1 indicate perfect fit).