It’s important to cleanse new crystals so they’re clear of any lingering energy from their previous owner. Crystals do not judge anything as good or bad, so they can hold not only positive, but also negative energy. Alternately, hold your moldavite in your left hand (the hand that receives energy) in the sunlight to simultaneously cleanse and charge it.

Be specific in your intentions. Vague wants or desires are harder to manifest than focused, distinct outcomes. You don’t have to choose just one thing to get moldavite’s help with. As long as your intentions are genuine, it can help you with all of them.

Your first session might only consist of holding the crystal, feeling the flush, and putting it back down to introduce yourself to its power. As you get more comfortable with the stone, you can lengthen your sessions and begin using it for more specific purposes. Other sensations like tingling chakras, light-headedness or dizziness, or an out-of-body feeling accompany the moldavite flush.

Creative work is often very healing and good for balancing your chakras and spiritual energy.

Gaze at your moldavite’s transparent, glassy surface while concentrating or meditating to increase your communication with the frequencies of the universe.

Moldavite is called the stone of transformation because it helps you access your inner thoughts to experience spiritual growth and personal development. Shadow work often feels uncomfortable since most of us try to resist change and stay our familiar selves. Embrace the opportunity for change and growth.

Some people find moldavite too stimulating to use at night while others only feel the need to use it sometimes. Try keeping moldavite on your nightstand or bedside table so you can grab it between dreams to calm or focus your energy, if needed. Moldavite’s high vibrations also ward off negative spirits and nightmares while you sleep.

The Heart Chakra is green, which is why moldavite and other green gems are useful for opening it up. When your Heart Chakra is blocked, you might feel overly judgmental or dominating in your relationships.

When your Crown Chakra is open and balanced, all of your other chakras will open up too. Try taping your moldavite to your forehead during meditation or sleep to heal your Third Eye Chakra. [10] X Research source

For the best results, set your moldavite in jewelry made of silver. Make sure it’s touching your skin rather than hanging over a piece of clothing. [12] X Research source If you don’t have jewelry, carry moldavite in your purse, backpack, or pocket to get the same effect. Moldavite is most commonly found and used in jewelry, but it can work for you as a standalone stone as well.

Moldavite and rose quartz: rose quartz balances the Heart Chakra. It is a love crystal that helps bring up the energy of love within your heart. It also bolsters your sense of kindness, comfort, and self-compassion. Moldavite and clear quartz: clear quartz is a grounding stone that enhances good energy and opens the Crown Chakra (it also cleanses moldavite!). Moldavite and black tourmaline or obsidian: this combination is ideal for physical healing and medicinal purposes. [14] X Research source

Moldavite channels Wood Energy, one of the elements of feng shui. It’s associated with living spaces and southeast corners of rooms and houses.