You can direct it toward any place, person, or time. Send it to different parts of your body for healing. You can directly feel the energy, either by seeing or feeling it depending on which sensory modality dominates. Some individuals can do both. The energy emanated from orgonite is unlimited so do not worry about running out of it. Use as much as you want, it gets replaced instantly.

The structure of solar systems, with one central Sun and planets orbiting resembles the make-up of individual atoms with protons and neutrons at the center and electrons rotating them in orbitals. A different solar system can be thought of as analogous to different types of atoms, with different numbers of electrons and neutrons-think about it. As above so below. ) Talk to it out loud or in your mind as if you are talking to an old friend you have not seen for a while or whichever way makes you most comfortable. Ask for healing, love, and light, for yourself and all life that surrounds you. The orgonite will appreciate being acknowledged and will emanate even more love toward you and you toward it. Breathe in this healing energy of love. See and feel it coming in through your nose and healing all parts of your body, mind, soul, and emotions.

Place orgonite in any nearby rivers and streams. The water will easily pick up the POE from the orgonite and transmute any DOE that it may be carrying. In this way, know that you are healing Mother Earth immensely and for a very long time as these devices release an infinity and unlimited supply of energy. As conscious beings, trees and wildlife are much more readily able to harness the energy from orgonite because they have an innate understanding of this type of energy.

Don’t bury anything near cell phone towers if it’s illegal in your area.

Place some pieces at your work desk or office. The benefits of the orgonite will be transmitted to all within its vicinity. Know that you are helping to make your workplace a friendlier and happier place.

Place one in your pet’s bed (dogs, birds, etc. ) and around where they sleep. Animals understand orgonite and its effects intuitively. Always remember to communicate your intention to the orgonite, you only have to do it once. If you forget, do not worry. They know what to do.

Think of your toilet and all water flow in your own home as your own personal stream of consciousness, both literally and figuratively. That extra kick of positive energy given by the orgonite will be spread all over the world, as all streams of water, and consciousness, are interconnected.

Use a modified orgonite wind chime indoors, simply place it in front a fan and you can have that beautiful and healing melody night and day.

The electricity running through the tracks are analogous to manmade streams of water (in this case, water = electricity). The POE will be carried along the network of the tracks to all connecting tracks. Think of the effect this can have in large connection systems such as the subways in NYC. Additionally, any trains running over the vicinity of the orgonite will absorb a lot of the POE and distribute it to the passengers, making for happier city inhabitants.