Be careful even when smoking in places like an outdoor bar and other outdoor social spots. If you are smoking at an outdoor, be sure to smoke away from the door. This will keep the smoke from entering indoors.

If you need to take a smoke break while eating a meal, you can say, “Excuse me. I will be right back,” the proceed to an area outside to smoke that is either designated for smoking or far away from the building entrance and passersby. Try to limit your smoke break for only two or three minutes so you can return to your meal in a timely manner.

To help lessen the temptation, consider filling your car’s ashtray with something else like spare change, so you aren’t able to fill it with your cigarette butts. You can also plug a mobile phone charger into the car’s adapter outlet so you are less tempted to use it as a lighter. [3] X Research source If you can’t resist the temptation to smoke in your car, then be sure to smoke with the car windows down. Make sure to frequently wipe down the dashboard with a disinfectant cleaning product, and keep the upholstery and rugs vacuumed. Also, consider getting the interior steam cleaned, making sure to use an odor remover that includes enzymes that break down the chemicals that are causing the smell.

Keep in mind that air fresheners, open windows, and ventilation does not effectively rid a place of smoking residue. The only proper way of demonstrating courteous and proper etiquette is to not smoke inside a home. lf you absolutely must smoke indoors, smoke in the bathroom or another secluded room with the windows open and fans turned on. After that, dampen a dishtowel or similar cloth with vinegar and wave it around the room for one to two minutes. You should also periodically wash and disinfect all interior walls, windows and hard surfaces throughout the home using mild soap or other disinfecting cleaning products. [5] X Research source

Make sure you are fully adhering to the rules stated in the designated smoking areas. Often, you will find a “designated smoking area” sign placed in the area where you are allowed to smoke. You’ll also find signs stating how far away from a building you must be before lighting up.

Be sure to wash at least your face and hands after smoking. If possible, change your clothes, or wear as little clothing as possible while smoking outside. Keep you hair tied back while smoking to decrease the amount of smoke that gets into your hair.

For example, if someone were to tell you, “Don’t you know that smoking is bad for you?”, you could offer a response like, “Yes, I do. Thanks for your concern,” and then walk away. It is probably best to avoid risking a confrontation by telling the person to mind their business or suggesting some vile, dark place where they can take their opinion.