But one lesser-known feature of Pinterest is secret boards—which let you create private boards for yourself and invited collaborators. Read on to find out more about this feature and how to use it…

What Are Pinterest Secret Boards?

Pinterest secret boards are just what the name implies—secret! They are private boards that are made up of secret pins.

When you want to pin an image or website that you don’t want others to see on Pinterest, secret boards come in handy. As the owner of your secret board, you are the only one who can see it.

However, you can invite other Pinterest members as collaborators. This means they will be able to see what you’re pinning, comment on your pins, and pin websites or images themselves.

When you create a secret board, you are the only person who can make the board available for public view, so you have complete control over who sees it at all times. The comments and any content posted on your secret board are private unless you choose to make the board public.

You can also have an unlimited number of secret boards on your Pinterest account, so you can create multiple secret boards if you wish. If you are new to Pinterest and want to learn more about the platform, we have you covered in this article that describes what Pinterest is and how to use it.

What Are Pinterest Secret Boards Used For?

Pinterest secret boards allow you to pin items without your pins being visible to the public or followers. This feature is perfect for planning a party on the sly, putting together ideas for a client, or sharing images with your coworkers for a project.

When you pin anything to your secret board, it will not show up anywhere on the application. This includes search results, category sections, your own home feed, your followers’ home feeds, or even pins or activity pages on your profile.

Pinterest secret boards also allow you to showcase your ideas to your collaborators without outside interference from your followers. Since you have the option to make several secret boards at once, you can plan numerous projects with different collaborators, making this the perfect way to get organized and keep your information private.

How to Use Pinterest Secret Boards

Pinterest is one of the best social media platforms when it comes to ease of use. Creating boards and pinning images and websites is fairly easy to do, and creating a secret board is no exception.

To create a Pinterest secret board:

Go to your profile page and select the plus sign icon to open the Create menu. Select Board to create a new board. Enter the name and due date. Make sure to toggle on the Keep this board secret option. Click Create.

After completing these steps, you can start pinning websites and images to your secret board by selecting the save option and the name of the secret board you wish to pin it to.

How to Invite Collaborators to a Secret Pinterest Board

Once you’ve created a secret board, you can easily add collaborators.

To add a collaborator to your Pinterest secret board:

Select the secret board of your choice. Click the plus sign icon next to your profile photo. Copy the link on the screen or invite a Pinterest member via the search function by entering their full name or email address. If you are inviting someone by messenger or email address, send the link via your messaging application or email. This will invite the user to collaborate on your Pinterest secret board.

Your collaborators on a secret board do not need to follow you and you do not need to follow them, but they do need to be Pinterest members. After they create an account they will be able to accept the invitation you sent them to become a collaborator to your secret board.

Add Some Privacy to Your Pinterest

Pinterest’s feature for creating secret boards allows you to create boards and add collaborators more privately, which protects both you and your coworkers’, friends’, or family members’ privacy.

In an online world where everything is out in the open, this gives you an extra layer of protection for your next project.