If you’re shaving your face, it’s probably easier to use a washcloth than to stand in the shower.

If you have sensitive skin, look for a shaving cream that says “soothing” or “for sensitive skin. ”

You really only need to use a shaving bowl and brush if you’re shaving your face. If you’re working on other parts of your body, don’t worry about it.

You shouldn’t be able to see your skin at all under the layer of shaving cream.

A single-blade razor will give you the closest shave and the least irritation. Stretch the skin tight to get the closest shave. Lower your jaw to make the skin on your cheeks taut and tilt your head up when you start shaving your neck.

Everybody’s armpit hair grows a little differently, so you might have to try a few different directions until you find what’s right for you.

Make sure you’re using a fresh razor that hasn’t been used too many times. Using a dull razor can cut your legs or give you a rash, and no one wants to deal with that. If you get ingrown hairs often, try shaving in the direction that your hair grows instead. [12] X Research source

Use a hand mirror to look at areas that may be difficult to see otherwise. If you do accidentally cut yourself on your pubic area, it’s not the end of the world. Rinse off the shaving cream, then hold toilet paper against the cut until it stops bleeding.

If your skin feels irritated, use cold water to help soothe your pores.

Microfiber towels are usually less scratchy than cotton ones, and they can help if your skin is feeling irritated.

Stay away from lotions or creams that have fragrance in them. The harsh chemicals can dry out your skin or sting on small cuts.

If you have sensitive skin, aftershave may sting or burn a little. Aftershave usually has a little bit of fragrance in it. If you aren’t a fan of the cologne smell, go for a natural option, like witch hazel.