It’s no secret that many of us are crazy about our pets. Arguably, we may even love them more than other people. While most of us have probably already contemplated making a playlist for our pets (if we haven’t already), Spotify offers to make the process of making easier with Spotify for Pets.

What Is Spotify for Pets?

Launched in 2020, Spotify for Pets is a special feature designed to find the best tunes for both you and your pet. Using a series of questions that helps determine the best frequency and vibe for your pet, Spotify curates a playlist through a special algorithm that both of you can enjoy.

With Spotify for Pets, you can make playlists for all your pets at home. Spotify even includes iguanas or birds as options. Each playlist takes less than a minute to generate in just a few clicks. This feature is available for both Spotify Free and Premium users.

In a survey conducted by Spotify, 71% of pet owners with Spotify have played music for their pets. In fact, 80% of the 5,000 participants believe that their pets like music with the majority preferring classical or soft rock. But is there any real, scientific truth to this?

The Science of Pets and Music

In 2012, an Emory University study on bird songs revealed that the brains of female white-tailed sparrows responded to the sound of male birds the same way a human brain does when listening to music. Coincidentally, the same sound heard by male white-tailed sparrows creates a similar neural reaction to humans when we don’t like music.

According to a study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, scientists have observed that the genre of music affects kennel dogs differently. In the study, dogs spent more time sleeping and less time vocalizing when listening to classical music. However, the same study also confirms that listening to heavy metal music has the opposite effect, exacerbating symptoms of nervousness.

In fact, despite being known for poor memory, even goldfish have been observed to distinguish between classical composers. In the study published by Science Direct, goldfish were successfully trained to associate particular composers to feeding time. Scientists have also deduced that while goldfish don’t have solid preferences for music, they definitely had a strong dislike for certain types of noise.

In 2015, a scientist, psychologist, and composer teamed up to confirm if there’s such a thing as species-appropriate music. Published in Applied Behavioral Science, the study confirms that there was a significant preference among cats with music that had similar frequencies to how they communicate.

These studies are not only proof that music can definitely impact the mood and experiences of our pets, but also that various species will have their preferences. With this, it’s not enough to just play music, but it also has to be the right kind of music.

How to Make a Spotify Playlist for Your Pet

If you’re wondering how to get a Spotify curated playlist for your pet, here’s how.

Visit the Spotify for Pets page and select Let’s Go. Then, log in to your Spotify account to continue.

Before Spotify can make the perfect playlist for your pet, it has to know a little more about them. Spotify will ask what kind of pet you own. There are five possible options: dog, cat, iguana, hamster, or bird.

Then, Spotify will ask you a series of questions that help determine your pet’s personality and vibe. For pets who don’t have extreme traits, Spotify adds adjustable sliders that you can drag to the right level.

In the questionnaire, Spotify will ask you if your pet is generally relaxed or energetic. Then, if your pet is shy or friendly. Lastly, adjust the slider to show how apathetic or curious they are.

Once you have finished answering the questions, Spotify will ask you to upload a photo of your pet along with their name.

Then, it generates a playlist for you and your pet based on your answers and music listening history.

Whether it’s a chill, rainy playlist with your iguana or a party track with your dog, you can spend the rest of the day listening to your very own Spotify playlist.

If you more than one pet, don’t worry. You can make a playlist for every fur baby that you own. You can even compare playlists with other pet parents. All you have to do is share your curated playlist on social media.

Get the Best Tunes for Your Pets

From dancing with your adopted puppy to helping soothe an older cat with arthritis, music is a great way to help bond with your pet.

While Spotify playlists are definitely a great middle-ground when it comes to enjoying music with your pet, there are probably songs that they would love to hear more. Making the perfect playlist for our pets is a process.

If you really want to make playlists that are heaven to your pet’s ears, you can opt to search for more species-appropriate music on Spotify (such as David Teie’s Music for Cats). These specially designed tunes play at a frequency that is most comfortable or positively stimulating for your pet.

However, if you’re just looking for a quick way to vibe with your pet, Spotify for Pets is more than enough to make both of you happy. In fact, your pet’s playlist may even reveal new artists that you would have never discovered otherwise. You may even discover that your pet may have better taste than you.

Create the Perfect Playlist for Your Pet

As both music and our pets become essential parts of our everyday life, it only makes sense that the two of them go together. Spotify for Pets helps not just with exposing us to new types of music, but it also helps with curating an experience that is enjoyable for everyone.

When it comes to innovating the listening experience, Spotify remains at the forefront. Thankfully, it’s not just us humans who benefit from the constantly improving algorithm. This time, even our pets can join in and enjoy the ride too.